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Professional Development Events

Occupations For All (OFA) 2024

OFA is a trimester-long series of talks and programmes targeted at raising awareness of Occupational Therapy for marginalised groups and other less visible populations. We aspired to develop future clinicians who are socially aware and culturally sensitive, and to promote the universality of occupations. 


Our inaugural run of this OFA series was guided by the theme of NOTC 2024, “Expanding Horizons: Occupational Therapy for an Inclusive Tomorrow”.


With the contributions of 8 guest speakers, we covered the following topics:

  • “Demystifying Sexual Wellness”

  • “Bringing Clarity to Low Vision”

  • “Thinking Deeper about Psychiatric Services”

OFA Jan: Demystifying Sexual Wellness

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OFA Feb: Bringing Clarity to Low Vision

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OFA Mar: Thinking Deeper about Psychiatric Services 

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CPE Sharing 2024: Doing, Being, Becoming

Our annual CPE Sharing aims to provide a platform for seniors to share their Clinical Practice Education (CPE) experiences and reflections Through which, we hope to better equip students in their preparation for CPE, and to provide them with general exposure and valuable insights into their upcoming CPE journeys.


Specific to this year’s “CPE Sharing — Doing, Being, Becoming”, Clinical Educators (CEs) shared with participants more insights into being a good clinical student and nurturing the CE-Student relationship. The event culminated with a Panel Q&A session, delving deeper into how the framework of “Doing, Being, Becoming” can help us to achieve occupational adaptation in our roles as Clinical Students.


Language and Dialect (L&D) Workshop 2024

Our annual L&D Workshop aims to equip participants with basic conversational skills in non-English L&D, specific to our context in Occupational Therapy. These include: Basic Chinese, Basic Malay, Basic Hokkien, and Basic Cantonese.


In this year’s L&D Workshop, we offered comprehensive pre-workshop materials for our participants to review, and engaging live workshops to enrich their learning — all made possible through the invaluable contributions of our student volunteers!

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